In 2019, Bean Research was commissioned to work alongside the CareTech plc’s Corporate Foundation to develop a Theory of Change and Impact Assessment framework, to determine success and how this could be best measured. After Trustees approved this approach, a revised Monitoring & Evaluation form was developed, and grantees were supported to report against the new indicators on a quarterly basis. 

The Theory of Change sets out outcomes and indicators to measure social impact in the long term and it identified five key impact areas to create a social and sector value. Using this Theory of Change and Impact Assessment framework, CareTech Foundation’s first impact report was published in 2020.  Bean Research continues to work alongside the Foundation to support its monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment reporting. 

“Bean Research hold an excellent understanding of the latest trends and methodologies and an ability to deploy these sensitively and pragmatically, taking in to account the resources and peculiarities of the clients and partners with which they are working.”

Johnathon Freeman MBE, Sustainability Director, CareTech