The Prudence Trust was set up in 2020 to invest in research and services, addressing both preventive and curative mental health treatments and therapies for young people, with a specific focus on social interventions. 

In 2024, Bean Research conducted an evaluation of Prudence Trust’s first 100 grants focused on prevention, access to, and research on young people’s mental health, and designed a new Theory of Change and Impact Framework. 

Initial findings highlighted the importance of evaluating the difference its new and refreshing approach to funding created for funded organisations, as well as the value of their investment in researchers, academic research and what works evaluation. The learnings fed into the Prudence Trust’s next 3-year strategy strengthening its role to convene, support and amplify the sector. Given the learnings from the evaluation of the important role of trusted adults in prevention and access for young people for mental health services, Prudence Trust has expanded their funding in this area. 

“Thank you for everything. We are very happy with the new perspectives the review has given us and the clarity around the change we want to see and how we will evaluate that.  Simply fantastic!” 

Tara Leathers, Director, Prudence Trust