Bean Research developed an approach for measuring impact when the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Foundation was established, with the goal of defining success clearly and embedding progress measures into the Foundation’s operations. The Foundation’s mission aligns with LSEG’s purpose, focusing on enabling inclusive and sustainable economies and communities. In collaboration with charity and NGO partners, the Foundation delivers a range of programmes globally, that empower individuals economically through education, employment and entrepreneurship.

Since then, Bean has worked with LSEG colleagues in 28 countries to apply this framework to their funding criteria and assess the changes achieved. For the past two years, we have evaluated and reported on the impact of LSEG Foundation funding on education, enterprise and charitable initiatives worldwide, collaborating with 102 charities. The Foundation pursues its mission through the following key areas of activity:

  • Strategic Partners: Multi-year, high-impact partnerships that deliver economic empowerment programmes worldwide. Current partners include Room to Read, Girls Who Code, Skills Builder, and Women’s World Banking.
  • Regional Partners: Annual project and volunteering grants provided to various regional and local charities that address pressing community issues where they operate.
  • Sustainable Economy: A limited number of non-commercial initiatives that support a just transition to net-zero emissions alongside disaster relief efforts.

Bean has developed monitoring and evaluation for each key area to understand and capture the impact facilitated.

Additionally, Bean is responsible for evaluating data on delivery and outcomes related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for inclusion in LSEG plc’s broader sustainability reporting.