The Challenge
The COSARAF Foundation wanted to better track the outcomes of its extensive humanitarian and community-focused initiatives, primarily in Pakistan, Kenya and the UK. With over 35 partner organisations and ongoing projects in multiple countries, ensuring consistent and reliable evaluation of its impact posed a challenge. COSARAF needed a robust framework to tell the story of its effectiveness in delivering its strategies of empowering women and girls, supporting youth education, and fostering sustainable communities.
The Solution
Since 2019, Bean Research has partnered with COSARAF Foundation to develop a tailored Theory of Change, provide ongoing social impact and measurement expertise, and report robust evidence of the difference made, for COSARAF’s annual Trustee meetings and Impact Reports. Through regular capacity-building efforts, Bean Research worked with COSARAF’s grantees to establish and refine their evaluation processes, ensuring the collection of relevant, timely data, that collectively can report the impact of the Foundation overall.
The Results
With Bean Research’s support, COSARAF Foundation has been able to effectively track its impact, which spans eight countries and has reached over 1.3 million individuals. Key outcomes include the empowerment of 1,214 entrepreneurs, the education of 1,070 children, and the provision of 4.6 million meals. The comprehensive data analysed by Bean has enabled COSARAF to report confidently on its progress, showcasing how funding has met the needs of individuals, from basic food and clothing, to transforming lives through higher education and vocational training, and by building sustainable communities.
“Bean are trusted experts for us. They are able to gather and disseminate critical evaluation data, displaying it in a format that suits our needs as a charity and helps explain and amplify our impact.”
Tashmina Hoque, Director, The COSARAF Foundation